101.Which material is used for both interior and exterior walls?
(b)Wall putty
(c)Duco putty
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102.Which component makes whiting putty soft?
(a)Linseed oil
(b)Oil paint
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103.Which wall putty fills properly, dries quickly, easy to sand and gives smooth surface?
(a)Whiting putty
(b)Wall powder putty
(c)Acrylic putty
(d)Grey cement paste
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104.What is the medium of wall powder putty?
(d)Oil paint
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105.Which tool is used for mixing putty powder?
(c)Hand mixer
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106.What is used as a primary coat on plastered walls before painting?
(a)Wall putty
(b)Oil paint
(c)Lustre paint
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107.Which binder is used in whiting powder putty?
(a)Simple oil paint
(b)N.C paint
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108.What does whiting putty consist of?
(c)Whiting-Oil paint-Water
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109.Which tool is used for sanding a plaster before applying primer on wall?
(b)Wire brush
(c)Emery stone
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110.Which palette is used while roller painting?
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111.Which size brush is generally used in building painting work?
(a)25 mm
(b)37 mm
(c)50 mm
(d)100 mm
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112.Which is the best tool for making line and edges of the wall while painting?
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113.Which tool is used for painting a high wall inside a house?
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114.Which equipment is used for sanding putty for smooth finish?
(a)Drill machine
(b)Sander machine
(c)Sanding disc
(d)Sand blaster
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115.Which tool is used to mix wall putty?
(a)Paddle mixer
(b)Mixing stroke
(c)Mixing pipe
(d)Steel rod
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116.How to burn the old paint on the surface?
(c)Blow lamp
(d)Laser gun
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117.What is the use of masking tape while painting?
(a)To insulate
(b)To measure
(c)To cover surface
(d)To tie tool
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118.Which equipment is used while painting ceiling?
(b)Step ladder
(c)Bamboo ladder
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119.Which tool is used for cleaning before painting the exterior walls?
(a)Scraper Knife
(b)Emery paper
(c)Dusting brush
(d)Wire brush
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120.What is the expansion of OBD?
(a)Oil base detergent
(b)Oil bound distemper
(c)Oil based distemper
(d)Oil bond Detergent
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