261 Which of the following is not an example of using social media and internet in an impactful and successful way?
A. Sharing Jokes on a particular religion
B. Encouraging people to donate money for the social cause
C. Mentoring and supporting people
D. Sharing verified news
262 “” is an organisation that uses digital technology to help
people in rural India.”””
A. Digital Empowerment (DE)
B. Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF)
C. Digital Education Foundation (DEF)
D. Digital Education Fund (DEF)
263 Rama has started using Social Media, which of the following Acts she must not do as responsible usage?
A. Posting Personal Information Publicly
B. Connecting with professionals from her field
C. Searching Jobs online
D. Use social media to find the latest information.
264 Radha wants to use social media for her professional growth. She can join groups according to her .
A. Skin colour
B. Qualification
C. Career or subject interests
D. Age
265 Laws for activities on the internet is called
A. labour laws
B. cyber laws
C. environment protection laws
D. Criminal laws
266 What does SMART tips for internet safety stands for?
A. “Stay Simple Manageable Attractive Reasonable Timely”
“B. “”Stay Safe Don’t Meet up Accepting Files Reliable
Tell Someone”””
C. “Stay Simple Meet Up Acceptable Reachable Tell about yourself”
D. None of the above
267 ” is a tool that blocks unsafe pages when you are using a search engine”
A. Telegram
B. Google
C. Safe search
D. Web page
268 The safe search tool can be switched on and off for any search engine by changing the
A. Settings
B. Web page
C. Computer/Device
D. View Mode
269 Ritika has received a message for bank transaction that was not done by her and her friedns have asked her to file a complaint under cyber crime. Which of the following portal will be filling the complaint?
A. www.cybercrime. gov.in
B. www.ccrime. gov.in
C. www. indiacybercrime. gov.in
D. www. cybercrimeindia. gov.in
270 Which of the following formats of an Email ID is correct?
A. joseph@gmail
B. Joseph@gmail. com
C. Joseph@outlook. gmail
D. gmail@joseph. com
271 “”Which of the following is used to send a copy of an email to another
person without the original receiver of the email knowing.”””
A. Attach file
B. Subject
C. CC(Carbon Copy)
D. To
272 While creating a Gmail account ‘Create an account for myself’ option will be choosen to
A. create a bussiness account
B. Create a Personal account
C. Create a company account
D. None of the above
273 The is a few words that can quickly tell, what the email is about.
A. Compose
B. Subject
C. Inbox
274 Azim has received a new mail from his teacher. Where can he check the mail received?
A. Inbox
B. Sent
C. Draft
D. Compose
275 A mobile application or App is a software that is made to be used on a
A. Calculator
B. Washing machine
C. smart device like a smartphone or tablet
D. All of the avove
276 are the most convenient way to do something online.
A. Mobile apps
B. Desktop
C. Monitor
D. Keypad
277 Choose the mobile app form the following options.
A. Linkedin
B. YouTube
C. Facebook
D. All of the above
278 Preeti wants to find a video on pasta recipe. Which of the following mobile app can she use for the same?
A. Whatsapp
B. Email
C. YouTube
D. Mobile Banking
279 Kirti attended a guest lecture. How can she utilize her mobile phone to understand the difficult words?
A. Shopping app
B. Use a dictionary app
C. Grocery app
D. Cosmetics store app
280 Which of the following is a smart device?
A. Smart Watch
B. Smart Phone
C. Smart TV
D. All of the above
Super mcq question so thank you………. 🥰♥