281 Alexa is a assistant
A. Digital voice controlled
B. Office Assistant
C. Home Assistant
D. None of the above
282 Choose the most appropriate things that an alexa can do
A. Check the weather
B. Call phones
C. Play Music
D. All of the above
283 Mark the voice-controlled digital assistant in the below list
A. Alexa
B. Siri
C. Google Assistant
D. All of the above
284 Komal wants to regularly montior her body conditions like temperature and heartbeat. Which of the following device can help her ?
A. Mobile Phone
B. Calculator
C. Siri
D. Smart watch
285 For online meetings, you can share , for the people to join the meeting
A. Personal mobile number
B. Location
C. email id
D. Meeting Link or ID
286 Which of the following feature in not available in online meeting tools
A. Display Partcipants contact number
B. Everyone can speak to each other and hear each other.
C. Everyone can turn on the camera on their own devices
D. After the meeting, the online meeting can be closed and ended.
287 To find list of Participants in a Zoom meeting , click on participants option on of the screen
A. Top
B. Bottom
C. Left Side
D. Right Side
288 Post-covid we adopted the virtual world. Meeting that happen online through the internet are called as
A. Online meeting
B. Physical Meeting
C. Offline Meeting
D. None of the above
289 “”Meena is using google meet for the first time.
She can use the same login account details as her………… …..
A. Amazon account
B. Bank account
C. Gmail account
D. Zoho account
290 Which of the following Website is to learn new languages for free?
A. Linkedin
B. Duolingo
C. Codeacademy
D. All of the above
291 Which of the following websites is helpful in learning and career growth
A. Codeacademy
B. Khan Academy
C. Coursera
D. All of the above
292 Sam wants to learn computer coding skills for free and his friend has recommended website for the same
A. Duolingo
B. Khan Academy
D. Codeacademy
293 Khan Academy is the most recommended website for
A. free online material on school subjects like economics, physics, algebra,etc.
B. Online meetings
C. learning a new language for free
D. Job search
294 Internet is the best place to be a
A. Life long learner
B. Self learner
C. Continuous learner
D. All of the above
295 “Physical body and the sexual organs that we are born with refers to person’s “
A. Gender
B. Sex
C. Age
D. Biodata
296 ” is a belief/idea which may not be true.”
A. Sex
B. Gender
C. Stereotype
D. Feminine
297 Boys are often discouraged from expressing their
A. Thoughts
B. Emotions
C. Ideas
D. Joyness
298 Even though Roopa is highly efficient at her job, her manager gives most of the field/travel related projects to Ramesh.This can be an example of
A. Stereotype
B. Trust
C. Angry
D. Stress
299 Azim wants to learn dancing and challange gender stereotype. It is completely
A. Irrelavant
B. Impossible
C. Opposite
D. Okay
300 ” can lead to division of people, communites and familes.”
A. Anger
B. Ego
C. Discrimination
D. Gender
Super mcq question so thank you………. 🥰♥