321 The Indian government passed the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act in 2013. In simpler terms, it is also called
322 As per the POSH Act, any workplace that has 10 or more employees must constitute an
A. Internal Committee (IC).
B. Employees
C. Police Station
D. Help desk
323 Sexual Harassment at workplace can happen at
A. Office
B. Office whatsapp group
C. Office online meeting
D. All of these
324 Under POSH, a workplace is a
A. office space
B. all places visited by the employee for the purpose of work
C. transportation provided by the employer
D. All of these
325 Financial literacy is understanding the way money is
A. Saved
B. Spent
C. Invested
D. All of them
326 Costly things that are not essential for our survival are
A. Needs
B. Wants
C. Luxuries
D. Savings
327 Things that are needed for survival are .
A. Wants
B. Needs
C. Savings
D. Expenses
328 Sunitha earns ten thousand every month. She keeps two thousand aside. She will use this money in case of .
A. Emergencies
B. Party
C. Bills
D. Travel
329 Gopi spends his salary on movies, groceries, house rent and clothes. Where can he reduce his expenses to save some money.
A. Clothes
B. House rent
C. Movies
D. Groceries
330 All financial activity can be done through a .
A. Bank
B. School
C. College
D. Workplace
331 Institution licensed by the government to keep money safe is
A. Hospital
B. Bank
C. Panchayat
D. Assembly
332 When a person deposits a fixed sum of money every month, it is account
A. Recurring Deposit
B. Saving Account
C. Current Account
D. Fixed Deposit
333 Arya has joined a new company. They want him to open a account so that they can credit his salary.
A. Fixed deposit
B. Recurring deposit
C. Salary account
D. Current account
334 Avinash needs to know about his last month transactions. How can he get these details?
A. Passbook
B. Debit Card
C. Credit card
D. Cheque book
335 Online banking is also called .
A. Home banking
B. Office banking
C. Net banking
D. Self banking
336 Financial transactions can happen in
A. Loan
B. Digital transactions
C. Cash coupon
D. Digital transactions
337 Disha wants to pay money to the her loan account. How can she do it without going to the bank?
A. Online transfer
B. Open bank account
C. Close account
D. Withdraw from ATM
338 Indu booked her railway ticket from the website and paid using online banking. What type of transaction is it?
A. Cash Payment
B. Digital transactions
C. Amount
D. Credit
339 Ravi went out shopping, but he forgot to carry his wallet. How can he pay for his bills?
A. Digital wallets
B. Loan
C. Credit
D. Banking
340 Net banking is done on a computer through a……………..”
A. Phone
B. Friend
C. Cashier
D. Website
Super mcq question so thank you………. 🥰♥