21 Which of the following is not a part of one’s personality?
A. Strengths
B. Weaknesses
C. Beliefs
D. Skin colour
22 Things that one is good at doing are .
A. Concerns
B. Interests
C. Abilities
D. Passion
23 Inability to do something well is one’s .
A. Weakness
B. Aspiration
C. Strength
D. Value
24 Meena likes to learn music in her free time. It is one of her……….to improve.
A. Logics
B. Interests
C. Value
D. Weakness
25 Bijo is not good at MS excel. With his hard work, he learns to overcome weaknesses and turn them into a .
A. Belief
B. Value
C. Leader
D. Strength
26 The way we interact, manage and deal with our external environment is known as …….. skills.
A. Behavioural
B. Technical
C. Musical
D. Teaching
27 ………… is one of the behavioral skills that is required to organize work efficiently and complete it on time.
A. Painting
B. Cooking
C. Time Management
D. Dancing
28 The way we manage/solve the problem is called
A. “Positive attitude”
B. Conflict resolution
C. Negative attitude
D. Passion
29 Rehana faced a problem with her project. She is dealing with a problem with the right attitude. This is an example of;
A. Negative attitude
B. Technical skill
C. Scientific skill
D. “Positive attitude “
30 Alpan does yoga in the morning. He follows Youtube classes to motivate himself. This is an example of
A. Self-motivation
B. Time Management
C. Decision-Making
D. Problem-Solving
31………..is a way of thinking to solve a problem.
A. Critical thinking
B. Self confidence
C. Negative attitude
D. Time Management
32 Choosing between two or more options is known as process.
A. Manufacturing
B. Decision-making
C. Scientific
D. Technical
33 Which of the following is not a part of decision- making?
A. Identify problem
B. “”Generate options”””
C. Implement decision
D. Performance
34 Manu thinks about a problem well before making any decision. This is an example of;
A. Self-motivation
B. Critical thinking
C. Time Management
D. Logical thinking
35 Revathi got a job offer out of her town. She decided to refuse the offer after listing the pros and cons. She followed………..process.
A. Decision-making
B. “Positive attitude “
C. Conflict resolution
D. Negative attitude
36 What are the advantages of time management?
A. Complete tasks on time
B. Achieve daily goals
C. Reduce stress
D. All of these
37 Good time management helps in improving……….at work.”
A. Weakness
B. Performance
C. Stress
D. Pressure
38 The block of work time is called a……… technique.
A. Doro
B. Pomo
C. Pomodoro
D. Domo
39 Rahim learns MS Office during his lunch break. This is an example of;
A. Time Management
B. Over thinking
C. Online job
D. Logical thinking
40 Bhanu creates 25 minutes task planner and never gets distracted in the blocked time. Which method does she follow?
A. Pomodoro
B. Timing
C. Blocktime
D. Calendar
Super mcq question so thank you………. 🥰♥