381 A person who hires other people for their business is an
A. Self -Employed
B. Employee
C. Entrepreneur
D. Employer
382 What are the qualities of an entrepreneur that a self-employed person also needs to have?
A. Creative Thinking
B. Problem Solving
C. Customer Service
D. All of the above
383 Vidya is single-handedly selling homemade pickles to her neighbors. Who is Vidya?
A. Seller
B. Self-employed
C. Entrepreneur
D. Distributor
384 “”Pawan provides AC repair services at a fixed fee. He has a contract with a local AC store – The store refers him to customers who need to repair their AC , Who is Pawan?”””
A. Entrepreneur
B. Contract Job
C. Internship
D. Self-Employed
385 How does Market Scan help a business?
A. Give an idea about the customers
B. Help understand about other similar business
C. Help to make the business plan
D. All of the above
386 Market scan covers—————–
A. Analyze customer needs and anticipate competitive actions
B. Understaning the Business market
C. Customer interaction
D. Market research
387 Market Scan can be conducted to find out —————-“
A. Information on customers’ need
B. Information on new trends
C. Information on competitors
D. All of the above
388 Geetha wants to start a tailoring shop (boutique). Her trainer asked her to do a Market Scan. Geetha should do the Market Scan in .
A. Bakery sector
B. Beauty Parlours
C. Tailoring and Textile Industry
D. Packing company
389 Lakshmi plans to start a beauty parlor. What kind of information should she NOT collect in the Market Scan?
A. Information on clothes and shoes
B. Information on types of customers
C. Information on cost of materials for the beauty parlor
D. Information on shop location and rent
390 Customer’s needs can be understood through —————-“
A. Customer Survey
B. Selling
C. Talking to our family
D. Customer service
391 An Entrepreneur needs to maintain good ————– with his customers”
A. Communication
B. Relationship
C. Behavior
D. Friendship
392 Customers like a product or service because of——————“
A. Price
B. Good Quality
C. Feel of the product or service
D. All of the above
393 Shilpa wants to start a soap-making company. What kind of questions should she NOT ask her customers?
A. Which types of soaps do you buy?
B. Do you like to eat chats?
C. How much do you pay for soap?
D. Do you use soap?
394 Roopa wants to start a new business. But she is not sure which product she should choose to
start her business. What will be her basic research to finalize her product?”
A. Loan from Banks
B. Buying products from others
C. Search how to advertise the product
D. Reserach on products & services that customers are currently using
395 Product and service are two things that can be sold. Product is what can be seen, touched and used. Service is what we —————
A. Buy from vegetable shop
B. Feel, Experience and Enjoy
C. Pay with Gpay
D. Do not enjoy
396 Product is an object that can be————
A. Seen
B. Touched
C. Seen, Touched and Used
D. Used
397 Sharvan serves as a delivery agent delivering tomatoes from a farmer to a company that makes tomato sauce. What is Sharvan’s job?
A. Seller
B. Service Provider
C. Buyer
D. Distributor
398 Select the example of a service from the options.
A. Masala Dosa
B. Mobile Repair
C. Water Bottle
D. Chicken Kabab
399 Select the example of a product from the options.
A. Home painting
B. Parlor service
C. Shirt
D. Bike repair
400 The business idea should — .
A. Satisfy only my needs
B. Fulfill needs or solve problems
C. Save the world
D. None of the above
Super mcq question so thank you………. 🥰♥