461 The goal that someone plan to achieve within a year is called a .
A. Long term goal
B. Steps
C. Milestone
D. Desire
462 SMART stands for .
A. “Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. “
B. Specific, Measurable, Archive, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
C. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Trim
D. Specific, Memorable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
463 Nithya has a set goal to get 75% in her 10th exam. This is a ………. goal
A. Smart
B. Star
C. Great
D. Real
464 Ramesh wanted to collect 50 stamps in 6 months. So, he started by collecting two stamps every week. This is a goal.
A. Short-term
B. Life-time
C. Long-term
D. Unrealistic
465 A person who buys a product is a .
A. Student
B. Customer
C. Seller
D. Servicer
466 Service given to the customer before, during or after a purchase is .
A. Customer service
B. Auto Service
C. Management Service
D. None
467 Growth of business is based on how you customers .
A. Talk to cusomers
B. Take feedback from customers
C. Help customers
D. All of the above
468 Harish has taken up his family business of ironing clothes. His customers are not happy with the service. What should Harish do to make his business better?
A. Increase the cost
B. Give better customer service
C. Stop the business
D. Change the business
469 Pushpa and Kavya have opened a shop for baby clothes in Bangalore and Chennai. Bangalore outlet is gaining more popularity and profit? How is it?
A. Good customer relationship in Bangalore shop
B. Chennai is very hot
C. There are more babies in Bangalore
D. No reasons
470 A dissatisfied customer means
A. Happy customer
B. Beautiful customer
C. Unhappy customer
D. Old customer
471 A customer who buys a product for the first time is .
A. Bargaining customer
B. Vendor
C. New customers
D. Researching customers
472 Loyal Customers are those who
A. Keep coming back to the same shop
B. Hate the shop
C. New customers
D. Ask for more discount
473 Ravi has a customer who bargains a lot. Customer wants to buy a dress which costs 500 rupees. But customer wants to pay only 300 rupees. What should Ravi do?
A. Tell the customer to go away
B. Give the dress for 300 rupees
C. Talk to the customer and sell the dress for 400 rupees
D. Do nothing
474 Meena sells milk packets. One day, she got a dissatisfied (unhappy) customer because the milk was spoilt. What should Meena NOT do now?
A. Say sorry to the customer
B. Quickly give another packet of milk
C. Make sure the customer is happy
D. Get angry with the customer
475 Probing for customer needs means
A. To celebrate with customers
B. Get angry with the customer
C. To ask customers what they need
D. To give discount
476 “”Caring for customers is key to growing your business. What does this mean?”””
A. Care for what customers want
B. Care in hospital
C. Don’t care for market
D. Care for keys
477 is a way to understand the customer’s needs and emotions by asking questions.
A. Apologize
B. Probing
C. Explaining
D. Understanding
478 Tapsi is at a clothes shop to buy a gift for her friend. She is unable to choose the proper clothes. The sales person can help her by asking………..”
A. Open questions
B. Probing questions
C. Closed questions
D. All of them
479 Sudha buys vegetables from Karthik’s shop. She is happy about the quality and pricing goods. She can help Karthik’s business improve by .
A. Sharing good words about the shop
B. Watching the shop
C. Hating Karthik
D. Buying vegetables in other shop
480 good and services is the right way to make profits.
A. Studying
B. Selling
C. Practicing
D. None
Super mcq question so thank you………. 🥰♥