121 Adjectives are …………words.
A. Sound
B. Finish
C. Describing
D. Neutral
122 Describing words add more information to the……..”
A. Naming words
B. Bad
C. Sad
D. Numbers
123 It is a…………. knife. Fill in the correct adjective.
A. This
B. Sharp
C. and
D. There
124 “The sea is blue”. In this sentence ………….is an adjective.
A. sea
B. the
C. is
D. Blue
125 “”Arjun filled water into a large pot”. In this sentence the describing word is
A. Large
B. Arjun
C. Water
D. None
126 The punctuation in a sentence makes the meaning…………..to understand.”
A. ambiguous
B. unclear
C. think
D. clear
127 The beginning of a sentence should start with…………….letter”
A. Capital
B. Small
C. cursive
D. Italics
128 Comma is used to show a………..within the sentence.
A. Full stop
B. Pair
C. Break
D. Capital letter
129 Sita wanted to ask Nina about her summer plan. Choose the correct answer.
A. Nina is your plan.
B. Nina, what is your summer plan?
C. What Nina asked?
D. None
130 “Add comma wherever it is necessary. After the meeting we will go out.”
A. After, the meeting, we will go out.
B. After the meeting, we will go out.
C. After the, ,eeting we will go, out.
D. After the meetingwe will go out.
131 Sentences are
A. group of words with complete meaning.
B. Verbs
C. Nouns
D. Letters
132 A declarative sentence tells us some information or explanation. It ends with
A. Comma (,)
B. Question mark (?)
C. Full stop (.)
D. Exclamatory mark (!)
133 An exclamatory sentence ends with the
A. Full stop (.)
B. Comma (,)
C. Question mark (?)
D. Exclamatory mark (!)
134 “Wow! The flowers in the park are beautiful. This is a sentence. “
A. Declarative (.)
B. Exclamatory (!)
C. None
D. Interrogative (?)
135 The police were questioning about his crime. What type of sentence is it?
A. Declarative (.)
B. None
C. Exclamatory (!)
D. Interrogative (?)
136 Every complete sentence has .
A. 1 part
B. 2 parts
C. 3 parts
D. 4 parts
137 The is what or whom a sentence is about.
A. Subject
B. Predicate
C. Object
D. Verb
138 The correct order for a sentence is
A. Subject, Verb, Object
B. Subject, Verb
C. Verb, Object, Subject
D. Verb, Verb, Subject
139 Radha has learnt how to write a sentence. Which is the subject in this sentence?
A. Learnt
B. How
C. Sentence
D. Radha
140 Choose the correct sentence.
A. The road runs on cat.
B. The cat runs on the road.
C. Cat road runs.
D. Runs on thr road cat.
Super mcq question so thank you………. 🥰♥