141 The most effective way to get information is by
A. Writing
B. Talking
C. Reading
D. Activity
142 A poster presents information by using
A. Novel
B. Story
C. Images and colours
D. Exercise for practice
143 Symbols gives us information through .
A. Colours
B. Images
C. Words
D. Posters
144 Yash bought a bag which had recycle symbol. What should he do when the bag is old?
A. Burn
B. Throw it in the river
C. Put it in soil
D. Should dispose it in recyclable items
145 Raj was driving towards Mysore. On the way he found few arrows marked next to Mysore on the board. What does it suggest ?
A. Direction
B. Map
C. Way
D. None
146 People can hear the emotions and see our facial expression when we .
A. Speak
B. Listen
C. Taste
D. See
147 contact with the people we are speaking help us to communicate confidently.
A. Nose
B. Eye
C. Ear
D. Skin
148 Emotions can be expressed through your .
A. Height
B. Weight
C. Voice
D. Situation
149 Sudha said ” I feel that these lights are too bright. ” What is she communicating?
A. Question
B. Answer
C. Idiom
D. Opinion Phrase
150 How should Tom tell other that he prefers teacher John is better than Jack? teacher John is a better teacher than teacher Jack.
A. I order
B. In my opinion
C. I disagree
D. I want
151 Effective communication is to both .
A. speak and listen well
B. Speak well
C. See well
D. Learn well
152 We have to for instructions in classroom
A. Learn
B. Listen
C. Work
D. None
153 Listening is important to the information given.
A. Forget
B. Overcome
C. Understand
D. Disobey
154 Rahul spends 30 minutes everyday watching news. He writes down few sentences about what is said. What is he trying to do?
A. Practicing listening
B. Practicing News
C. Practicing Movements
D. None
155 Teacher Meena advised her students to write down 2 or 3 sentences when she explains the lesson. How does it help the students?
A. Speak
B. Recollect what she said
C. Write
D. Read
156 Things or activities that we enjoy are .
A. Dislikes
B. Negative
C. Both A&B
D. Likes
157 Dislikes are things towards which we have .
A. Negative emotion
B. Positive emotion
C. Likes
D. None
158 I adore’ phrase is used to express of something.
A. A dislike
B. A bad feeling
C. A strong admiration
D. A poor admiration
159 Naveen is fond of dogs, but Sheetal hates dogs. In this sentence who likes dogs?
A. Sheetal
B. Naveen
C. Both A&B
D. Dog
160 Smith! Would you like playing cricket or football this evening? If Smith likes to play both how will he answer? playing any of them
A. I don’t mind
B. I hate
C. I want
D. I won’t
Super mcq question so thank you………. 🥰♥