161 Formal greetings are used in .
A. Family
B. Workplace
C. House
D. Friends
162 greetings are used while speaking to friends and family.
A. Formal
B. Due
C. Informal
D. None
163 Which of these is an informal greeting?
A. Good day
B. Good morning
C. Good evening
D. Hey
164 Malini is attending her new school today. She introduces herself as .
A. Good bye
B. Hello everyone!
C. What’s up guys
D. Longtime everyone
165 Sanju met her cousin Kheerti accidentally in a mall. How should she greet her?
A. Long time, no see!
B. What are you doing here?
C. Thank you!
D. Take care!
166 When you ask someone something it is .
A. Answer
B. Blank
C. Question
D. Response
167 Question always end with a .
A. Comma ,
B. Question mark ?
C. Exclamation mark !
D. Full stop .
168 questions gives clear indications of the information the person wants to know.
A. Wh-
B. Yes or No
C. No
D. Both B&C
169 Vinutha was questioned whether she has completed her degree in an interview. How should she respond stating that she has completed?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, I have completed my degree
D. Completed my degree
170 Tutor asked his student whether he knew to use Windows? How should the student answer?
A. Done
B. Yes, I know how to use Windows
C. Yup
D. I will know
171 When two or more people give their thoughts and view on a topic. It is .
A. Speaking
B. Listening
C. Reading
D. Group discussion
172 Group discussion helps us .
A. Learn more
B. Solve big problems
C. Create problems
D. Both A&B
173 Which of these should not be used to express your opinion in a group discussion?
A. It seems to me that
B. Listen to me
C. In my opinion
D. I don’t quite agree
174 Mahesh and his team discussed about the steps to be followed to complete the project at the earliest. He was happy with the suggestions given by his teammates and granted to follow the same. How would he convey it?
A. I agree with your plan of action
B. You must follow what I tell you
C. Don’t come here to talk
D. I don’t agree with your plan
175 Rita had to attend a group discussion on behalf of her company. What is she supposed to do before the meeting?
A. Attend party
B. Attend classes
C. Be prepared about the topic
D. Take leave
176 A person who makes a call
A. Keypad
B. Caller
C. Phase
D. Contacts
177 Receiver is a person who the call.
A. Blocked
B. Dialer
C. Receives
D. None
178 Phone call has phases
A. End
B. Middle
C. Different
D. Three
179 Bindu receives a call from JJ company promoting a discount sale. She couldn’t clearly hear the details. How is she supposed to ask the person to repeat the information?
A. What is it?
B. Could you please repeat?
C. Speak loud
D. I don’t know
180 Harish made a call to the Senior manager in a company. How is he supposed to start the conversation.?
A. Greet the person
B. Purpose of call
C. Thank the person
D. Good bye
Super mcq question so thank you………. 🥰♥