Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA) IMPORTANT MCQ
Module 5 : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems
1 What is the name of hierarchical file system in DOS?
A Tree structure
B Root structure
C Hybrid structure
D Directory structure
2 Which DOS command is used to delete a directory?
3 Which character is used to represent parent directory in Linux?
A .
B ..
C ~
D *
4 Which character is used to redirect output in to an existing file in Linux?
A >
B >>
C <
D <<
5 Which command is used to specify the location of files or folders in MSDOS?
A dir
B path
C sub directories
D tree
6 How the directories under the root directory are called?
A dir
B path
C sub directories
D tree
1 Which filename will matches the command. DIR????T.TxT in DOS?
2 What is the used of CD command in DOS?
A create a directory
B change the device name
C create root directory
D change the path of current directory
3 What is the maximum number of character allowed as file name in DOS?
A 3 characters
B 6 characters
C 7 characters
D 8 characters
4 Which one of the following is the wildcard character?
A * and /
B ? and /
C * and ?
D ? and @
5 Which DOS command is used to create a text file?
A List
B Type
C Copycon
D Dir
6 Which one of the following is the directory separator in Linux?
A /
B \
C //
D \\
7 Which character is used to represent a range of values in Linux?
A ( )
B [ ]
C { }
D < >
8 Which character redirects the output of one command to another in Linux?
A . dot
B | pipe
C : colon
D ; semicolon
9 Which Linux command list the content of all sub directory?
A ls ~
B ls * /
C ls /
D ls ../
10 Which Linux command list the contents of parent directory?
A ls ~
B ls */
C ls /
D ls .. /
11 What is use of ‘who’ command in Linux?
A login user
B logout user
C login password
D logout password
12 Which command is used to hide the file?
A attrib -h filename
B attrib +h filename
C attrib /h filename
D attrib \h filename
13 Which command is used to release the read only permission?
A attrib -r filename
B attrib +r filename
C attrib /r filename
D attrib \r filename
14 Write the Linux command to remove all the permission to the user and group on the directory ‘software’?
A chmod ug – rwx software
B chmod ug – a software
C chmod ug – A software
D chmod ug – Rwx software
15 Which DOS command is used to display system time?
A Now
1 What in the result of the DOS command PROMPT $D$G?
A Prompt >
B D : >
C Current date >
D Current time >
2 Which DOS command is used to list all com files in D drive?
A DIR D :\ com
B DIR D :\ com. *
C DIR D :\ * .com
D DIR D :\ * com *
3 Which Linux command is used to sort the text file ‘network’ in descending order?
A Sort / r network
B Sort – r network
C Sort + r network
D Sort \ r network
4 Which Linux command to set the permission ‘x’ to user, ‘rw’ to others and ‘rwx’ to group for the file launcher?
A chmod 176 launcher
B chmod 671 launcher
C chmod 167 launcher
D chmod 166 launcher
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