Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA) IMPORTANT MCQ
Module 6: Word Processing Software
1 Which command is used to store the active document permanently?
A Save
B Send
C Prepare
D Save as
2 Which shortcut key is used to high light the entire word document?
A ctrl + A
B ctrl + O
C ctrl + S
D ctrl + E
3 Which tool in MS Word is used to keep the familiar and repeated options?
A title bar
B task bar
C scroll bar
D quick aceess tool bar
4 Which area in MS Word is used to enter the text?
A work space
B work sheet
C slides
D work book
5 Which bar contains the current position of the cursor in MS Word?
A layout
B title bar
C status bar
D horizontal ruler
6 Where does the close button appear in MS Word?
A top left corner of the window
B bottom left corner of the window
C top right corner of the window
D bottom right corner of the window
7 Which one of the following is a word processor?
A MS Word
B MS Excel
C MS Access
D MS Office publisher
8 Which one of the following is text styling feature of MS Word?
A word fill
B word art
C word colour
D word font
9 Which option is used to store the duplicate of the active document permanently?
A Save
B Send
C Save as
D Rename
10 Which option is used to view an exiting word document?
A new
B open
C publish
D prepare
11 Which document view given an appearance as in web browser?
A Draft view
B Outline view
C Web layout view
D Full screen reading
12 How many groups are there in Home Menu?
A 4
B 5
C 6
D 7
13 Which group includes superscript, subscript, strike through options in MS Word?
A Clipboard
B Font
C Paragraph
D Style
1 What is the purpose of quick access toolbar?
A To hold advance function
B To hold special function
C To hold basic function
D To hold familiar and repeated function
2 What is the purpose of gutter margin?
A Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
B Margin that is added to the right margin when printing
C Margin that is added to binding side of page when printing
D Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing
3 What in the purpose of ⌧ button?
A Close button
B Office button
C Maximize buttons
D Minimize button
4 What is the purpose of zoom option?
A Enlarge and reduce document / text size
B Move up and down document / picture
C Scroll left and light document / picture
D Minimize and maximize the document / picture
5 Which option is used for tab setting?
A horizontal ruler
B status bar
C vertical ruler
D vertical scroll bar
6 What in the purpose of vertical scroll bar?
A Move the document up and down
B Move the document left side
C Move the document right side
D Move the document only upwards
7 What in the purpose of undo action in MS Word?
A Restore previous action
B Get the current action
C Goes to previous page
D Goes to previous paragraph
8 Which option is used to activate and deactivate ruler?
A View → grids
B View → ruler
C Insert → tool bar
D Insert → ruler
9 What is the purpose of cover page?
A Allows to fill title, author, date and other information
B Fills the list of people intent to mail
C To view the mailed list
D Contains details of the documents
10 Which menu contains, Symbol option in MS Word?
A tools
B table
C format
D insert
11 Which operation is to be performed before paste?
A Ctrl + V
B Cut / copy
C Select all
D Select text
12 Which option is used to locate any specific character, symbols or formulas in a document?
A Find
B Searching text
C Replace
D Selecting text
13 Which feature is used to create a newspaper type document?
A Tables
B Tab stops
C Columns
D Bullets and numbering
14 Which sequence of operation is required to insert bullets for list of data?
A Paragraph group → numbering button → select any number type
B Paragraph group → number button → select none
C Paragraph group → bullet button → type of bullets
D Paragraph group → bullet button → select none
15 Which sequence of operation is required to remove numbering from a list of data?
A Number button → select none from number type
B Number button → select number from number list
C Bullet button → select none from bullet type
D Bullet button → select bullets from bullets list
16 Which sequence of operation is required to remove tab stop markers from ruler?
A Drag the tab stop makers out of the ruler
B Double click the tab marker and clear all
C Right click the tab stop marker and choose remove
D Left click the tab stop marker and choose remove
17 Which feature is used to adjust the amount of space between words for alignment in MS Word?
A Spacing
B Scaling
C Justifying
D Positioning
18 Which shortcut key is used to invoke thesaurus dialog box in MS Word?
A Shift+F7
B Ctrl+F7
C Alt+F7
D Ctrl+Alt+F7
1 Where does the file name of the active document displays?
A title bar
B task bar
C menu bar
D status bar
2 How can we rectify the errors occurs while typing?
A Auto entry
B Auto add
C Auto spell
D Auto correct
3 Which sequence of operation is required to force page break in word document?
A by using insert / selection black on the insert tab
B by positioning the cursor at the appropriate place and press enter
C by positioning the cursor at the appropriate place and press F1 key
D by position the cursor at the apporpliate place and pressing ctrl + enter
4 What is the purpose of inserting header and footer in document?
A To make the starting and ending page
B To entrance the appearance of the document
C To make larger document more readable
D To allow page headers and footer appear on the document
5 What is the purpose of word wrap?
A Aligning text with the right margin
B Inserting space between paragraphs
C Inserting space automatically between words
D Moving text automatically to the next line
6 What is purpose of thesaurus tool is MS Word?
A Grammar option
B Spelling suggestion
C Synonyms and antonyms words
D Auto correction
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