- Which of the options is not an Employability Skill?
Good runner
Good interview skill
Good communication skills
Quick learning
2.An employee is someone who .
A. Goes to school to study
B. Does not work
C. Works for a salary
D. Goes to play
3.Which are the two skills needed for good career growth?
A. Singing
B. Dancing
C. Gardening
D. Technical Skills & Employability Skills
4.Gopi is always willing to learn and improve in his work. He has .
A. Love
B. Certificates
C. Growth mindset
D. Markscard
5 The meaning of Employability Skills are
A. Skills to get a job
B. Skills to be a good employee
C. Skills for good communication
D. All of the above
“6 When we learn something online, it is called.”
A. Unlearning
B. Teaching
C. E-learning
D. Marketing
7 The benefits of learning online are
A. We can learn any time and from anywhere
B. Become friends with our classmates
C. Go home fast
D. See the library
8 Which of these is an employability skills portal?
A. Facebook
B. Bharat skills
C. Netflix
D. Hotstar
9 Ram works as a fitter in a company. He wants to upgrade his trade skills and employability skills in his free time. What should he do?
A. Play sports
B. Watch news
C. Find courses: online or offline
D. Quit job
10 Zeena wants to enroll for e-learning course. The most important thing she needs are
A. Books
B. Paper & Pen
C. Mobile phone or Computer
D. New clothes
11 In today’s times,……..skills has become a basic skill requirement in many jobs.
A. Acting
B. Digital
C. Painting
D. Dancing
12. “…………….. jobs help to reduce pollution, preserve the environment and the planet.”
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Green
D. Carpenter
13 Green Jobs are important because
A. They help protect the environment
B. They make more pollution
C. It is easy to do
D. It is for city employees
“14 Geetha has just completed her education. She joined a basic English course to improve her …………skills.”
A. Dancing
B. Fighting
C. Communication
D. None
15 Ram is planning to start his own business. Which option would you suggest?
A. Online retail
B. Audio cassette shop
C. Film video rental
D. Xerox shop
16 Major changes took place in the manufacturing world with .
A. Green revolution
B. Milk revolution
C. Industrial revolution
D. White revolution
17 The process of manufacturing has changed due to technology and………….development
A. Training
B. Scientific
C. Teaching
D. Facillitation
18 Regular assessment of skills is necessary for the growth of .
A. Career
B. Interview
C. Job
D. Skill
19 “Neetu has excellent story telling skills. What type of intelligence is it? “
A. Picture Smart
B. Logic Smart
C. Body Smart
D. Word Smart
20 Swaraj is looking for Internet-based/data entry jobs. What is the most important skill he needs?
A. “”Basic computer skills”””
B. Entrepreneurial skills
C. Beautician skills
D. Wood cutting skills
Super mcq question so thank you………. 🥰♥