Which electrode wire is more suitable for carbon steel fabrication in GMAW process?
A. 70S – 6
B. 70T – 2
C. 70S – 2
D. 70S – 3
Which metal transfer process in GMAW produces strong weld with least spatter?
A. Spray transfer
B. Globular transfer
C. Dip transfer
D. Pulsed transfer
How the pre-heating temperature is checked before welding wrought iron or cast metals?
A. Flow of spatters
B. Size of blow holes
C. Temperature indicating crayon
D. Count of pin holes
Which is the operation to relieve residual stresses from the welding joint?
A. Pre-heating
B. Peening
C. Drilling
D. Post heating
Which is the only welding position in electro slag welding process?
A. Down hand
B. Horizontal
C. Vertical
D. Over head
Why carbon and manganese are added to plain thermit mixture on rail welding?
A. To get good fusion
B. To get hardness
C. To get fine welding
D. To get smooth finishing
What type of weld is used on prepared holes of overlap joints?
A. Tack weld
B. Fillet weld
C. Backing weld
D. Plug or slot weld
Which is the weld position of GMA welding if the filler metal is deposited from the upper side of the joint during welding?
A. Vertical position
B. Horizontal position
C. Over head position
D. Down hand position
What is the type of weld position in which the weld metal is deposited under side of the joint?
A. Down hand position
B. Horizontal position
C. Vertical position
D. Overhead position
What is the electrode inclination to the metal surface in T-joint welding of 10 mm thickness metal by down hand position?
A. 30°
B. 45°
C. 60°
D. 75°
What is the usual length of tack weld in a T- joint in GMAW flat position welding?
A. 5 mm
B. 10 mm
C. 15 mm
D. 20 mm
What is the purpose of fitting clear glasses on either side of coloured glass in a helmet?
A. Protect from rays
B. Protect from heat
C. Protect from spatters
D. Protect from radiation
How the welder observes welding area of the joint in electron beam welding?
A. Safe optical mirror
B. Safe optical helmet
C. Safe optical hand screen having correct shade
D. Safe optical viewing system containing optical mirror
How to protect from the toxic fumes during welding operation?
A. Wear helmet
B. Use hand screen
C. Use leather apron
D. Use respirator pad
What is the purpose of using copper coated filler wire in MIG / MAG welding?
A. To remove fumes
B. To prevent rust
C. To prevent atmosphere
D. To prevent base metal reaction
What is the angle of inclination of weld torch for flat position in GMAW welding process?
A. 5° – 10°
B. 10° – 15°
C. 15° – 25°
D. 25° – 35°
How many Kgs weight of thermit is required against one Kg of wax?
A. 10 to 15 Kgs
B. 11 to 15 Kgs
C. 12 to 14 Kgs
D. 12 to 16 Kgs
Which is adjusted in electron beam welding to eliminate the defect of porosity?
A. Spot size
B. Deflection
C. Weld penetration
D. Focal position / focus current
What is the limitation for submerged arc welding process?
A. Limited to vertical position
B. Limited to non ferrous metals
C. Limited to over head position
D. Limited to flat and horizontal fillet welds
Which combination of shield gas in GMAW process produce good arc stability for carbon steel?
A. Argon + 20% CO₂
B. CO₂
C. Pure argon
D. Argon + 5% CO₂