What is also referred as a GTAW?
A. TIG welding
B. MIG welding
C. STUD welding
D. GAS welding
What type of metals joined in friction welding?
A. Similar metal
B. Dissimilar metal
C. Non metal group
D. Any metal flat type
What crystal (rod) is used in laser beam welding?
A. Iron
B. Ruby
C. Copper
D. Stainless steel
What type of metal section can be welded by friction welding?
A. Pipe and round rods
B. Flats and square roof
C. Thick sheet
D. Heavy sheet
What is principle of friction welding?
A. One member stationary and another rotating type
B. Both members rotates
C. Both members are heated
D. One member is heated and another rotating
Which welding process does not require the supply of external heat?
A. Seam welding
B. Friction welding
C. Flash butt welding
D. Spot welding
What stage of the metal the friction welding is completed by applying high pressure?
A. Fusion stage
B. Non fusion stage
C. Plastic stage
D. Only heating stage
What is the full form of GTAW?
A. Groove tungsten arc welding
B. Grip tungsten arc welding
C. Gas tungsten arc welding
D. Galvanised tungsten arc welding
What is the angle of electrode tip by setting DCEN for SS welding by TIG welding process?
A. 50°
B. 40°
C. 45°
D. 60°
What is the source of heat in friction welding process?
A. Chemical heating
B. Electrical heating
C. Mechanical friction
D. Thread heating
Which of the following properties of metal will not allow the application of friction welding?
A. Metals with high compressive strength
B. Metals with low compressive strength
C. Metals with high tensile strength
D. Metals with low carbon content
Which welding process is effective for nickel and titanium?
A. Arc welding
B. TIG welding
C. Gas welding
D. MIG welding
Which is the welding process that maintains electric arc between non-consumable tungsten electrode and the base metal?
What is the name of the defect in which the weld metal did not melt with base metal in TIG process?
A. Porosity
B. Lack of penetration
C. Lack of fusion
D. Under cut
What is the bore dia of ceramic nozzle to avoid porosity while doing TIG, welding?
A. Small sized
B. Large sized
C. Correct sized
D. Too small sized
How to avoid burning fast of tungsten in TIG welding process?
A. Long arc length
B. By using DCEP
C. By not using shielding
D. By using contaminated base metal
Which part the equipment the electron beam is direct and controlled in an electron beam welding process?
A. Electron gun
B. Electron beam
C. Vacuum chamber
D. Atmosphere
What devices are provided to reflect the light coming to the ends of ruby rod in laser beam welding?
A. Laser tube
B. Reflecting mirrors
C. Flash lamps
D. Shutter
Which gas is generally used in gas laser type welding?
A. Carbon – di – oxide
B. Neon gas
C. Argon gas
D. Oxygen
In which welding process the work pieces are melted and jointed by narrow beam of light source?
A. Electron beam welding
B. Laser beam welding
C. Plasma arc welding
D. Micro plasma arc welding