Which is a resistance welding method?
A. Spot welding
B. Forge welding
C. Thermit welding
D. Explosive welding
Which safety device is used to protect face from ultra-violet rays while welding?
A. Tong
B. Try square
C. Hand shield
D. Chipping hammer
Which safety device is to be used to protect eyes while grinding?
A. Hand screen
B. Sun glasses
C. Welding goggles
D. White goggles
Which safety device is used to protect the body from hot spatters while welding?
A. Helmet
B. Leg guards
C. Hand sleeves
D. Leather apron
What is the purpose of providing root gap?
A. To avoid cracking
B. To avoid porosity
C. To avoid distortion
D. To increase depth of penetration
What is the fusion zone?
A. Fused depth
B. Lack of fusion
C. Edge of the joint
D. Surface of the joint
Which tool is to be used to remove slag on welded bead?
A. Chisel
B. Try square
C. Chipping hammer
D. Ball pane hammer
What is the use of oxidising flame?
A. Suitable for cast iron welding
B. Suitable for brass welding
C. Suitable for mild steel welding
D. Suitable for stellite, pipe welding
What are the solutions for the safety in the gas welding?
A. Not learning safety instructions
B. Not Checking on hose and gauge for damage
C. No checking of the cylinder
D. Work area free from flammable material
What is the treatment to a person having eye irritation caused by arc flashes?
A. Use ear drops
B. Use eye drops
C. Use nose drops
D. Use water drops
Which safety device is fitted to avoid explosion of acetylene generator due to high pressure?
A. Cylinder valve
B. Acetylene generator outlet pipe
C. Hydraulic back pressure valve
D. Baffle plate
What is the effect of ultra violet and infrared rays if a welder exposed to that rays?
A. Effect to body
B. Effect to eyes
C. Effect to face
D. Effect to skin
Which type of transformer used in arc welding?
A. Step up
B. Step down
C. One – to – one
D. Capable of increasing supply voltage
Which position is advantageous for easy welding?
A. Flat
B. Vertical
C. Over head
D. Horizontal
Which one of the following is used to convert AC to DC supply in a welding machine?
A. Rectifier set
B. Motor generator set
C. Engine generator set
D. Welding transformer
What is the metal used to make earth clamp in a welding machine?
A. Iron
B. Brass
C. Aluminium
D. Copper alloy
How much current should be set, to weld a 10 mm thick plates, by arc welding?
A. 70 Amps
B. 80 Amps
C. 90 Amps
D. 110 Amps
What is the term for the depth of fusion, from the surface of the weld metal plate?
A. Leg length
B. Fusion zone
C. Penetration
D. Heat affected zone
What should be the angle for a double bevel butt joint?
A. 45°
B. 35°
C. 25°
D. 20°
What is the name of joint if two members welded in the same plane?
A. Lap joint
B. Tee joint
C. Butt joint
D. Edge joint