What benefit we get out of a carburising flame?
A. Suitable for brass, copper welding
B. Suitable for stellite, flame cleaning
C. Suitable for mild steel, stainless steel
D. Suitable for pure aluminium, cast iron and brass welding
What are the defects in generated acetylene gas?
A. Oxygen, hydrogen and carbon
B. Carbon monoxide unburnt ash
C. Hydrogen, dust particles, ash
D. Hydrogen, lime dust, ammonia and water vapour
What is the range of pressure gauge used in an oxygen cylinder used in gas welding?
A. 120 to 150 Kg/cm²
B. 110 to 150 Kg/cm²
C. 100 to 150 Kg/cm²
D. 90 to 150 Kg/cm²
What should be the angle of filler rod, by rightward welding?
A. 30° – 40°
B. 40° – 50°
C. 50° – 60°
D. 60° – 70°
What thickness of plate, gas welding by forehand technique can be used without edge preparation?
A. Up to 2.5 mm
B. Up to 3.15 mm
C. Up to 4 mm
D. Up to 5 mm
What flux is used in welding brass?
A. Anti – borax
B. Borax paste
C. Cryolite and barium chloride
D. Zinc chloride and potassium dichromate
What flux is to be used for gas welding stainless steel plates?
A. Borax flux
B. Anti – Borax
C. Cryolite and barium chloride
D. Zinc chloride and potassium dichromate paste
Which filler rod to be used for gas welding aluminium?
A. Silicon – brass
B. Silicon – manganese
C. Copper – Silver alloy
D. Pure aluminium, 5% silicon aluminium alloy
What should be the pre – heating temperature of aluminium job for gas welding?
A. 200°C – 400°C
B. 250°C – 400°C
C. 300°C – 400°C
D. 350°C – 400°C
What is the welding position as per ASME for a pipe joint held vertically, welding in a horizontal line?
A. 1G
B. 2G
C. 5G
D. 6G
What procedure is followed in welding pipe in 5 G position?
A. Rotate pipe and weld vertically
B. Pipe not rotated weld vertically
C. Pipe not rotated and pipe axis 450
D. Pipe welded 12’o clock to 6’o clock either by uphill or downhill method
What size of CCMS filler rod is used for finish run of ɸ 50mm pipe root welded using ɸ1.65mm filler?
A. ɸ 1.6 mm
B. ɸ 3.0 mm
C. ɸ 3.5 mm
D. ɸ 4.0 mm
What size of electrode is used to weld 5 mm wall thickness pipe?
A. ɸ 2.5 mm
B. ɸ 3.15 mm
C. ɸ 4.00 mm
D. ɸ 5.00 mm
Which test indicates the hardness of a metal?
A. Brinell test
B. Tensile test
C. Charpy izod test
D. Ultrasonic inspection
What type of preheating is done only at the portions to be welded?
A. Full preheating
B. Local preheating
C. Direct preheating
D. Indirect preheating
Which type of polarity is used in welding non ferrous metals?
A. AC Transformer
B. Reverse polarity
C. Straight polarity
D. DC Motor generator
Which type of arc does not have control on the molten pool?
A. Long arc length
B. Short arc length
C. Normal arc length
D. Too short arc length
Which of the following produces unstable arc?
A. Long arc length
B. Short arc length
C. Normal arc length
D. Too long arc length
What are the four clock positions, in pipe welding?
A. 6, 12, 3, 9’o clock points
B. 11, 5, 8, 2’o clock points
C. 10,4, 1, 7’o clock points
D. 9,3, 12, 6’o clock points
What is the 6’o clock position in CW pipe welding refers to in 5G position?
A. Down hand position
B. Horizontal position
C. Over head position
D. Vertical up hill position