WHAT IS Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance (ICTSM) COURSE IN ITI

(Duration: Two Years)
(Engineering Trade)


  • Name of the Trade :- Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance
  • Trade Code DGT/1019
  • NCO:-  – 2015 3114.0801, 3114.0802, 2523.0200, 2511.0100, 2523.0100
    NOS Covered :- MIN/N3101, MIN/N3102, MIN/N3105, SSC/N9410, SSC/N9411,
    SSC/N9412, SSC/N9413, SSC/N9414, SSC/N9415, SSC/N9416,
    SSC/N9417, SSC/N9418, SSC/N9419, SSC/N9420, SSC/N9421,
    SSC/N9422, SSC/N9423, SSC/N9424, SSC/N9425, SSC/N9426,
    SSC/N9427, SSC/N9428, SSC/N9429, SSC/N9430, SSC/N9431,
    SSC/N9432, SSC/N9433, SSC/N9434, SSC/N9435, SSC/N9436,
    SSC/N9437, SSC/N9438, SSC/N9439, SSC/N9440, SSC/N9441,
    SSC/N9442, SSC/N9443,
  • NSQF Level :-  Level – 4
  • Duration of Craftsmen Training :-  Two Years (2400 hours + 300 hours OJT/Group Project)
  • Entry Qualification :- Passed 10th Class examanation
  • minimum  Age:- 14 years as on first day of academic session.
  • Eligibility for PwD :-  LD, CP, LC, DW, AA, LV
  • Unit Strength (No. Of Student) :- 24 seats

During the two-year duration of Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance trade, a candidate is trained on Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge and Employability Skill related to job role. In addition to this, a candidate is entrusted to undertake project work and extracurricular activities to build up confidence.

The broad components covered under Professional Skill subject are as below:-

FIRST YEAR: In this year, the trainee learns about safety and environment, use of fire extinguishers. They learns to work with various basic Electrical Components, perform all functions of Resistors and Soldering, De-soldering practice, able to recognize different types of Inductors, measure Inductance and uses of Transformer. They know about Capacitor, measure Capacitance and find resonance value of a circuit. Testing and use of Diode to construct basic Electronic components. Recognize different types of Transistors and use it as Amplifiers in electronic circuit. Construct and test of an application circuit using different types of Semiconductors. Assemble and test various Power Supply circuit. Construct all digital circuit using logic gates and verify truth table. Familiarize charging of acid battery and verify connections. Verify internal parts of CRO and use it to measure voltage, frequency, modulation of modulator/ transmitter. Working with some important Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics Accessories used in information communication system. The candidate will be able to achieve the skill to work with Word Processing and Spreadsheet Software. Trainees are able to assemble and replace hardware components of Desktop Computer. Installation of Operating System and all other application software. Customization of Operating System and maintenance of system application software. Assemble and replace hardware components of Laptop PC. Replace/ install SMPS and troubleshoot its faults. Familiarize and upgrading various components of Motherboard. Recognize different types of memory devices, chips and its structure.

SECOND YEAR: In this year, trainee learns about installation and customization of Linux operating system. Installation of Printer, Scanner and troubleshoot their faults. Replace/ install Display Driver Card and servicing, configuration of various display unit. Replace/ install Sound Card and set properties to adjust sound quality. Maintenance and servicing of UPS. Installation and configuration of Modem, System Resources, Add on Cards, Cables & Connectors. Upgrading, maintenance and troubleshooting of PC. Assemble, replace and troubleshooting various parts of Tablet/ Smart Devices. Browsing internet and work with Cloud Computing. The candidate will be able to set up and configure Networking System using various network devices. Sharing and controlling resource and Internet connection through network. Implement Network Security to protect from various attacks on networking. Installation and basic configuration of Windows Server. Installation, configuration of DNS, Routing and user account customization. Configuration of Server and managing Server Network security and Infrastructure. Installation and basic configuration of Linux server.


The Directorate General of Training (DGT) under SSCistry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship offers a range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different sectors of economy/ Labour market. The vocational training programmes are delivered under the aegis of Directorate General of Training (DGT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) with variants and Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer schemes of DGT for strengthening vocational training.
The “Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance” trade under CTS is one of the significant trades as no similar courses are available in the vocational system to cater this area. The course is of two years duration. It mainly consists of Domain area and Core area. The Domain area (Trade Theory & Practical) imparts professional skills and knowledge, while Core area (Employability Skills) impart requisite core skill, knowledge and life skills. After passing out the training program, the trainee is awarded National Trade Certificate (NTC) by DGT which is recognized worldwide.

Trainees broadly need to demonstrate that they are able to:

  •  Read & interpret technical parameters/documentation, plan and organize work processes, identify necessary materials and tools;
  • Perform tasks with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention regulations and environmental protection stipulations;
  •  Apply professional knowledge, core skills & employability skills while perforSSCg the job, and repair & maintenance work.
  •  Check the system specification and application software as per requirement of the design of job.
  •  Document the technical parameters in tabulation sheet related to the task undertaken.


  •  Can join industry as Technician and will progress further as Senior Technician, Supervisor and can rise up to the level of Manager.
  •  Can become Entrepreneur in the related field.
  •  Can join Apprenticeship programs in different types of industries leading to a National Apprenticeship certificate (NAC).
  • Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoSSCg instructor in ITIs.
  •  Can join Advanced Diploma (Vocational) courses under DGT as applicable.


Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements during a period of two years:

Course Element With Notional Training Hours :- 1st year (Total 1200 hours)

1. Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 840 hours

2. Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 240 hours

3. Employability Skills 120 hours

4. On the Job Training (OJT)/ Group Project 150 hours

2nd year (Total 1200 hours)

1. Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 840 hours

2. Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 300 hours

3. Employability Skills 60 hours

4. On the Job Training (OJT)/ Group Project 150 hours

Every year 150 hours of mandatory OJT (On the Job Training) at nearby industry, wherever not available then group project is mandatory.

Trainees of one-year or two-year trade can also opt for optional courses of up to 240 hours in each year for 10th/ 12th class certificate along with ITI certification, or, add on short term courses.

Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while undertaking the assessment. Due consideration should be given while assessing for teamwork, avoidance/reduction of scrap/wastage and disposal of scrap/waste as per procedure, behavioral attitude, sensitivity to the environment and regularity in training. The sensitivity towards OSHE and self-learning attitude are to be considered while assessing competency.

Assessment will be evidence based comprising some of the following:

 Job carried out in labs/workshop
 Record book/ daily diary
 Answer sheet of assessment
 Viva-voce
 Progress chart
 Attendance and punctuality
 Assignment
 Project work
 Computer based multiple choice question examination
 Practical Examination

Evidences and records of internal (Formative) assessments are to be preserved until forthcoming examination for audit and verification by examining body.

The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of course  through formative assessment and at the end of the training programme through summative assessment as notified by the DGT from time to time.

a) The Continuous Assessment (Internal) during the period of training will be done by Formative Assessment Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The training institute has to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the formative assessment template provided on www.bharatskills.gov.in

b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment. The All India Trade Test for awarding NTC will be conducted by Controller of examnations, DGT as per the guidelines. The pattern and marking structure is being notified by DGT from time to time. The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for setting question papers for final assessment. The exaSSCer during final exaSSCation will also check the individual trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for practical examanation.


ICT Engineer; is responsible for installing and ensuring uptime of the assigned ICT node/network segment, by undertaking preventive maintenance and fault management activities. The ICT Engineer is also responsible for perforSSCg upgrades, capacity augmentation, configuration changes and Point Interconnect testing with SSCimal disruption of services. The ICT or Information and Communication Technology equipment are NodeB/e-NodeB, IP and TDM transmission equipment, IP and Packet Core switch, Cloud and Data Centre equipment ICT Technician; is responsible to maintain the ICT nodes/installations live on 24×7 basis, observe and repair Level-1 faults/issues in installed ICT equipment at site, carry out specified
preventive and corrective maintenance procedures and report relevant network incidents to the supervisor in time for information as well as response. ICT or Information and Communication Technology refers to NodeB/e-NodeB, IP and TDM transmission equipment, IP and Packet Core switch, Cloud and Data Centre equipment. Computer System Hardware Analyst/Hardware Engineer; data processing requirements to plan
data processing systems that provide system capabilities required for projected workloads and plans layout and installation of new system or modification of existing system. Confers with Data Processing and Project Managers to obtain information on limitations and capabilities of existing system and capabilities required for data processing projects and projected work load. Evaluates factors such as number of departments serviced by data processing equipment, reporting formats required, volume of transactions, time requirements and cost constraints, and need for security and access restrictions to deterSSCe hardware configurations. Analyses information to deterSSCe, recommend, and plan layout for type of computers and peripheral equipment, or modifications to existing equipment and system, that will provide capability for
proposed project or work load, efficient operation, and effective use of allotted space. May enter data into computer terSSCal to store, retrieve, and manipulate data for analysis of system capabilities and requirements. May specify power supply requirements and configuration. May recommend purchase of equipment to control dust, temperature, and humidity in area of system installation. May specialize in one area of system application or in one type or make of equipment. May train users to use new or modified equipment. May monitor functioning of equipment to ensure system operates in conformance with specifications.
System Analysts; analyses user requirements, procedures, and problems to automate processing or to improve existing computer system. Confers with personnel of organizational units involved to analyse current operational procedures, identify problems, and learn specific input and output requirements, such as forms of data input, how data is to be summarised, and formats for reports. Writes detailed description of user needs, programme functions, and steps required to develop or modify computer programme. Reviews computer system capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations to deterSSCe if requested programme or programme change is possible within existing system. Studies existing information processing systems to
evaluate effectiveness and develops new systems to improve production or workflow as required. Prepares workflow charts and diagrams to specify in detail operations to be performed by equipment and computer programmes and operations to be performed by personnel in system. Conducts studies pertaining to development of new information systems to meet current and projected needs. Plans and prepares technical reports, memoranda, and instructional manuals as documentation of programme development. Upgrades system and corrects errors to maintain system after implementation. May assist COMPUTER
PROGRAMMER in resolution of work problems related to flow charts, project specifications or
programming. May prepare time and cost estimates for completing projects. May direct and coordinate work of others to develop, test, install, and modify programs.
Data Communication Analyst/Network AdSSCistrator; researches, tests, evaluates, and recommends data communications hardware and software: Identifies areas of operation which need upgraded equipment, such as modems, fibre optic cables and telephone wires. Conducts survey to deterSSCe user needs. Reads technical manuals and brochures to determanation equipment which meets establishment requirements. Visits vendors to learn about available products or services. Tests and evaluates hardware and software to deterSSCe efficiency, reliability, and compatibility with existing system, using equipment such as computer terSSCal and modem. Analyses test data and recommends hardware or software for purchase. Develops and writes procedures for installation, use, and solving problems of communications hardware  and software. Monitors system performance. Trains users in use of equipment. Assists users to  identify and solve data communication problems. May write technical specifications to send to  vendors for bid. May oversee or assist in the installation of communications hardware. May perform SSCor equipment repairs.

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